ive been following the threads here for a couple of few weeks and finally got around to joining up.
back in the 1900's i can remember pushing a shopping cart overflowing with newspapers and magazines to a place called bruno & delias that paid out a few coins for the effort.next was the deposit bottles and cans that always could be found in the empty lots and railroad right of ways.
started filling a 55 gallon cardboard barrel in my basement with #2 copper found while dumpster diving & the wire from ballasts that i cracked open.the mess was getting near the top when the price hit a buck a pound and then i had to figure out how to get the 500 pound barrel up a flight of rickety wooden steps......yup....hadda scoop it out and carry it up by the bucket load.
scrappin on the side keeps the tacklebox filled with lures and the cold ones in the fridge.