Hey! My name is Monet & this is my first forum EVER!!

A little about me... hum... I just started scrapping, or trying to anyway. Destroyed a couple of tvs and an extremely large printer w/my kids who are all into the destruction of things & I'm trying to help my husband to provide for our family who is in between homes at the moment.

But, it's all good because I'm not the type of female who is afraid to get my hands dirty!
At the moment though, I am still learning what I should and should not be scrapping and what the various types of metals are and grades of copper and all that good stuff. So if anyone can assist me on giving me a good website to go to, to find out the basic info I would appreciate it. I have done and am still looking into scrappers on youtube but I am still searching. So, any help will be awesome & much appreciated. Thanks ahead of time for your time & help.
Oh, by the way, I'm in the country right now w/my parents & I'm trying to scap their things that they are not using, but they don't want to give things up so, what do you think about my plans: I'm about to create a flyer to take out to their neighbors asking for anything they were going to trash or old things they might have but not be using or not working. (Here in the ****REE they don't have garbage service, they have to take their trash to the dump themselves. Maybe i should try the dump?) Hummm.....
Anyway, any help or feedback is MUCH appreciated. Thanks again & nice to be here.
Monet & Kids