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  1. #1
    scrappybill started this thread.
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    Jul 2012
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    Hello this is Scrappy bill from Michigan

    I started scrapping a little over a year ago and and going up the learning curve like everyone else. I started out just helping my brother clean out his new Horse Farm Barn and he had a bunch of scrap metal laying around. I said just toss it in my trailer and I will get rid of it. I new enough to separate the copper, steel, brass and aluminum, but that's about it. Went to the scrap yard that Iron Mike recommended and was pleasantly surprised by the check I got. Been hooked ever since. I am a automotive engineer by degree and life has been good to me. So, I have decided to work this hobby / passion to raise money for the wounded warriors. Yea, I bust my knuckles and bleed a lot but nothing like our wounded military warriors. I absolutely love doing this work. I scrap and recycle everything that I can get my hands on. I can't believe how many people just give me stuff to scrap. I have formed an LLC to protect myself from lawsuits per my attorney/Brother advice, and my neighbor works for the IRS too had to go legal and report income. This form has been very helpful with respect to safety. I live in a nice neighborhood and they think i'm nuts but then turn around and give me stuff. This work sure beats watching some worthless tv crap. I plan on doing this work until I physically can't stand up. Would like to gradually move to the big stuff like old farm tractors and equipment and then maybe, some how, into demolition work. Step by step I will get there. Best Regards, ScrappyBill - Bill's Scrappy Scrappers LLC

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