Hey im Grady. i have been scrapping on and off for probably 3 or 4 years. started out just cleaning out my garage, barn and house. (grandparents horded stuff) after that i would just randomly see something that caught my eye and i would pick it up. i got a 100lb brass water heater that was in a spilly pile near a friends. now i mainly buy wrecked hondas and part them out and scrap whats bad. but now im leaving for college in about a month and a half and im scrapping everything laying around my house to get some spending cash and plan to continue when i go up to school. so thats pretty much as far as my scrapping has went. alot of random barn stuff and woods finds. and a few cars.
also i was a member on this a while ago when i was taking a load every week or 2 you guys really helped me find some stuff. ha i just cant remember my username at all haha. well thats about it for me on the intro. later guys