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18 year old outa cental pa

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  1. #1
    gpc90 started this thread.
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    18 year old outa cental pa

    Hey im Grady. i have been scrapping on and off for probably 3 or 4 years. started out just cleaning out my garage, barn and house. (grandparents horded stuff) after that i would just randomly see something that caught my eye and i would pick it up. i got a 100lb brass water heater that was in a spilly pile near a friends. now i mainly buy wrecked hondas and part them out and scrap whats bad. but now im leaving for college in about a month and a half and im scrapping everything laying around my house to get some spending cash and plan to continue when i go up to school. so thats pretty much as far as my scrapping has went. alot of random barn stuff and woods finds. and a few cars.

    also i was a member on this a while ago when i was taking a load every week or 2 you guys really helped me find some stuff. ha i just cant remember my username at all haha. well thats about it for me on the intro. later guys

  2. #2
    Scrapcrazy is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Hey Grady, welcome back. If I was going to give advice to a college kid on scrapping, I'd say stick to E waste. I can only imagine how many students have old computers they need to get replaced. How many old computers your college has at their facilities warehouse just collecting dust cause they are outdated and old and have all been replaced. shoot I'd also think about asking if you could place aluminum recycling bins around campus and tell the staff you'd be responsible for emptying them. I think you could make a killing. Remember who gave you the advice when you decide to drop out cause you're rolling in the dough. Jk, stay in school, then be an educated scrapper!

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