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  1. #1
    heyimjason started this thread.
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    Hello from the Gulf! This is gonna be crazy!


    New here, obviously. I've got a big interest in scrapping, and some time on my hands, so I'll introduce myself (and perhaps one or two of you will give me some friendly advice).

    Long story short, I'm a fairly regular 29 year old guy living on the Gulf Coast. I lost my job last month, and things are getting super tight. One of my roomies went and sold a few big bags of cans and came back with $50 cash, just for some drinking money.
    That got me thinking... "If this guy has a job, but still enough time to get all these cans together to make some easy money on the side, what could I do, doing this full-time?"

    I've been reading about scrapping for a few days now, and I still feel lost. I always figured you'd just bring in a ton of metal, they'd smelt it, then pay you. Noooo way. They apparently want you to sort that stuff out, and not just by the type of metal! Apparently, there are different types of bronze, and copper, and so on. So I'll be spending dozens of hours here reading into this stuff. My buddy works for a guy that owns a ton of property, so he's always bringing home old appliances, metal cookware, old electronics (TVs, computers, etc). I mean - the garage is full. He told me to do whatever I want with the stuff - he just hates throwing anything away.

    Well, aside from that awesome flow of metal, I have another buddy that just gave me an old Suburban. It was old and raggedy, and the engine finally blew. He lost the title years ago, and doesn't care enough to go through the process to recover it, simply to sell it to the junk yard for $150. So, he told me to part it out and give him a small percentage of the money. I doubt many people are going to need or want many parts from a raggedy, old truck like that, so I'm thinking I'm going to take the entire thing apart. Hood, doors, sides, ALL OF IT. I'd assume I'd be able to make some cash from that.

    Well, on a final note, I'm also going to be looking into either hooking up with someone locally that has a smelter, or trying to buy my own equipment. There are some metals that my brother's father-in-law wants to buy from me at spot value so he can hoard them (his big thing right now is copper). So, I'll eventually be looking into smelting my own ingots.

    That's me and why I'm here, in a nutshell. If anybody has any useful input, advice, reference material, or just wants to say "hello," I'll be around!

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  3. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Welcome to the forum. You have a lot to learn and you are lucky you have come here. There are many threads about scraping cars and disscussions about parting out cars. There a lots of threads about the difference between #1, #2 and BB copper. Start with the new scrapper threads and all the sticky threads. If you want money, read read read. Best of luck and again welcome, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  4. #3
    BarrenRealms007's Avatar
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    Take the idea of melting the copper and throw it out the door. When you melt it the buyer does not know what other metals are in the mix and the ingot's will be down graded and you will loose value. Not to mention you had better have one heck of a furnace to melt the copper in economicly and the fuel can be a killer expense.
    We buy electronic scrap, Gold Karat scrap, gold filled, refined gold, silver and many other item's.

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  6. #4
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    sounds like you'll need a few ships too, for shipping it around the world Welcome to SMF! Be sure to cut the cat out of the suburban, I think it's worth another hundred or so, depending if it's original. Do you have a sawzall and other tools you'll need? On those appliances unbolt the motors and cut all the wires you can reach. First check if there's any market for better than scrap. Not everybody does, but some people get lucky with that. They're barely worth $5 as scrap, if you can get $10 or $15 for parts, why not.

    Craigslist ads are free, might run one through it looking for anyone needing parts from the suburban, who knows, they might even come pull em
    Last edited by Bear; 07-30-2012 at 07:53 AM.

  7. #5
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    The Suburban also has some other goodies besides the cat...the battery, radiator and wiring harness. Pull these before you scrap it to maximize $$$. make me laugh! You know that before he buys a cargo ship or two for freight he will have to buy a yard for storage and intake of all the metals he is going to smelt.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to BohemianLush for This Post:

  9. #6
    heyimjason started this thread.
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    Thanks for all the replies and info!

  10. #7
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Jason, were on the gulf coast are you? I'm in Pasco co. Forget about smelting, it will cost you thousands just to get past all EPA regulations.

  11. #8
    heyimjason started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyscraper View Post
    Jason, were on the gulf coast are you? I'm in Pasco co. Forget about smelting, it will cost you thousands just to get past all EPA regulations.
    I'm in Gulfport MS. I figured I'd just do a little foundry setup in my back yard and not worry about the regulations... until I looked into the cost of the equipment. I'm just gonna sell the scrap as it is. Too much hassle to smelt.

  12. #9
    Hypoman's Avatar
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    I did patrol in Gulfport during Katrina, it was a mess! Welcome to the forum! Continue with your driving mentality and you'll do fine.

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    Friedrich Nietzsche
    Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.
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  13. #10
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Hey Jason, Welcome to the forum.

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