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  1. #1
    xodiax started this thread.
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    Post Total Newb needs info, but not hand holding. I do have a good handful of quetions.

    While not trying to infringe, but the market seems to be still in its early stages, and would like to share Ideas and sharing new ideas.
    Some partnerships and group meeting / brainstorming could be a viable solution for many here.

    Feedback, and transparency could be one of the best brainstorming venues for this "still ground floor' opportunity!

    Please post your thoughts and I will do the same. by the very nature of transparent disclosure, and sharing We could all benefit from this open forum.

    Please be a part of the next wave of our world of "cash from trash". Share your ideas, learn from others, and lets take advantage of the next wave of prciouse metals!

    Thank you, in advance!

    hte educated "Newb"

    oxdiaxo at gee mail dot com

  2. #2
    rca987's Avatar
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    Where's the handful of quetions?
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  4. #3
    waredu's Avatar
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    What market is in the early stages? And where/what are the prciouse metals?

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  6. #4
    greytruck's Avatar
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    Did you just find out about the scrap industry?

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  8. #5
    xodiax started this thread.
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    sorry for the delay.....
    palladium, obviously Gold / gold plating. I am looking more to begin as a hobby, and if the time is right, and the resources, expand. One question I have is the extraction of Palladium. the buyers seem to be a bit far in between. I believe that I can get a fair amount of the materials which I have been "setting aside for later use. Well, it is later. I would be iterested to explore the methods to get a decent volume of free / donated computers, and cell-phones.
    some of the processes for extracting are a bit tedious, it seems. I am willing to begin those procedures, and have a Great workshop to do this. What are some of the pitfalls on eliminating waste chemicals, and im trying to get a narrow balpark figure on how much Gold na dPalladium from a standard PC. those little monolithic capacitors are quite small. would crushing them before processing help reduce process times? What is the average Ballpark yield from the monolithick ceramic capacitors?
    thanks for the input!

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  10. #6
    BroJer's Avatar
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    still ground floor?? WOW ... been part of a start up for over 40yrs an didin knowd it. maybe ifin I live to be as old as will get going ;-)

  11. #7
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    Crazy man... no one shares any ideas or tips or anything on this forum... Oh, wait... I'm on SMF... strike that last comment.

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  13. #8
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    You would be better off on the gold refining forum. Way more info on recovering PM on that forum.


    Good luck getting free electronics. Most scrappers pay for each computer they get... free is getting harder and harder to find....

    And to get enough flat pack caps to make refining worthwhile... that would be a lot of machines.

  14. #9
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    I wouldn't call refining a hobby. Make sure you know what you are getting into before you delve too deeply into it. And for God's sake make sure you have all the proper safety gear and procedures in place if you start messing with all that caustic material.

    And as far as I know most e-scrap doesn't contain Palladium, only gold and silver. You might be thinking catalytic converters?

  15. #10
    fordsix is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Palladium is part of the pgm group of precious metals and is found in catyletic convertors.I have done extensive research on refining precious matals about a 100 hours worth and unless you have a lot of equipment and extensive knowledge of chemistry it is at best a hobby but not a real moneymaker.The chemicals used and the fumes produced will kill you if used incorrectly.

  16. #11
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    soooo what kind of engineering degree do you have ? I will say something here many think but don,t say, but I to old to give a s88t so here goes. with the employment situation the way it is,, and all the noobs getting into scrapping. I for one don't perticularly look too kindly on Hobby Scrappers, since many of us here are scrambling to hold on to our business and feed our children. don't mean to be offencive just telling it like it is for me.

    maybe you could become a hobbiest refiner. and buy from the other scrappers here. or is that your intention.

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  18. #12
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    Where is Gus when you need him?

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  20. #13
    Scrapcrazy is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Unless you have an endless, free, open outlet to large quantities of heavy gold bearing material refining at home would yield very little profits. At least That should be the case if you do it by the book and don't flush your hazardous waste down the drain and pay for proper disposal. Forget refining it. Sick around, do some reading on our wonderful forum and find out how to make some extra dough simply scrapping the gold. I'd be willing to make it real easy on you. When you find that open outlet feeding you Free gold bearing material, I'll buy it from you.
    Sweat is the cologne of success!

  21. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by xodiax View Post
    While not trying to infringe, but the market seems to be still in its early stages, and would like to share Ideas and sharing new ideas.
    Some partnerships and group meeting / brainstorming could be a viable solution for many here.

    Feedback, and transparency could be one of the best brainstorming venues for this "still ground floor' opportunity!

    Please post your thoughts and I will do the same. by the very nature of transparent disclosure, and sharing We could all benefit from this open forum.

    Please be a part of the next wave of our world of "cash from trash". Share your ideas, learn from others, and lets take advantage of the next wave of prciouse metals!

    Thank you, in advance!

    hte educated "Newb"

    oxdiaxo at gee mail dot com
    Wow, don't even know where to begin, thought the poor prices would prevent these kind of posts. I stand corrected
    Alvord iron and salvage
    3rd generation scrapper and dam proud of it

  22. The Following 2 Users say Thank You for This Post by taterjuice:

  23. #15
    xodiax started this thread.
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    In response to the great advice given here:
    I have a background in Electronics, Comercial Electrical, High Voltage, Industrial maintenance, Electrical Inspections (Nation-wide), Including inspections at just about every type of Industrial situation one could think of. Steel, Electroplating, Glass (lightbulb manufaturing / Multiple) Aluminum production, Pharmacutical Manufacturing, Brake linings, Plastics manufacturing, plating, electro-mechanical coatings, Steel casting (did I mention that) , paint production, Limestone mining (above-ground and below), Acrylics, Fuel Storage facilities, Apliance manufacturing and testing, and the list goes on. That being said, In my original post I am pretty sure that I said that I am looking to get into the world of scrapping / e-waste recycling as a hobby First, then move on to a more lucrative venture. I myself am unemployed, due to the economy. A lot of factors played a part in my situation, no doubt. About safety, I think I can handle that, most of the knowlege I already have, and what I don't already know, I can read! * First line, first post "Without trying to infringe". I have multiple reasons for getting into the world of recycling. First, Hobby, Second, Food and clothing, Third, keep all of the nasties out of our ground water, ( we do need water) and potentially helping with some philanthropic organization. Homeless, Children, etc. All of those will still need to be investigated to appropriate the funds, if they ever come to fruition. As most of you already know here, that Americans throw away litterally tons of gold avery year, because it's easier. I have been guilty of that, myself. If I can stop doing that, and use it for food for me and my kids, so much the better. I'm not looking to get rich, but would like to be able to walk into a grocery store and not be forced into making the decision to buy milk, or eggs.
    If the greed takes you by the throat and you are worried that I may take some of "your" scrap, don't worry. I am pretty sure that there is enough to go around for now. as for the ground floor opportunity, Clearly I am a newb to the recycle / reclaim world of e- waste, even though I happened to work for a large scale e-waste / Recycling company here in the state. I am merely trying to get some info on how to start the process on my own. and share some ideas which may come in the future.
    Thanks for the you better be careful, and don't try this at home welcoming replies to my first post.

    If we can move forward, I am interested in a couple of things, and thought some might share some un-biased knowlege on this forum. I am not looking for the facebook environment to which a lot of the mentality here seems to lean...

    Feel free to comment, and I will come up with some questions for this forum and see if this "forum" really is.

    Thank you for your time.

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  25. #16
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xodiax View Post
    In response to the great advice given here:
    I have a background in Electronics, Comercial Electrical, High Voltage, Industrial maintenance, Electrical Inspections (Nation-wide), Including inspections at just about every type of Industrial situation one could think of. Steel, Electroplating, Glass (lightbulb manufaturing / Multiple) Aluminum production, Pharmacutical Manufacturing, Brake linings, Plastics manufacturing, plating, electro-mechanical coatings, Steel casting (did I mention that) , paint production, Limestone mining (above-ground and below), Acrylics, Fuel Storage facilities, Apliance manufacturing and testing, and the list goes on. That being said, In my original post I am pretty sure that I said that I am looking to get into the world of scrapping / e-waste recycling as a hobby First, then move on to a more lucrative venture. I myself am unemployed, due to the economy. A lot of factors played a part in my situation, no doubt. About safety, I think I can handle that, most of the knowlege I already have, and what I don't already know, I can read! * First line, first post "Without trying to infringe". I have multiple reasons for getting into the world of recycling. First, Hobby, Second, Food and clothing, Third, keep all of the nasties out of our ground water, ( we do need water) and potentially helping with some philanthropic organization. Homeless, Children, etc. All of those will still need to be investigated to appropriate the funds, if they ever come to fruition. As most of you already know here, that Americans throw away litterally tons of gold avery year, because it's easier. I have been guilty of that, myself. If I can stop doing that, and use it for food for me and my kids, so much the better. I'm not looking to get rich, but would like to be able to walk into a grocery store and not be forced into making the decision to buy milk, or eggs.
    If the greed takes you by the throat and you are worried that I may take some of "your" scrap, don't worry. I am pretty sure that there is enough to go around for now. as for the ground floor opportunity, Clearly I am a newb to the recycle / reclaim world of e- waste, even though I happened to work for a large scale e-waste / Recycling company here in the state. I am merely trying to get some info on how to start the process on my own. and share some ideas which may come in the future.
    Thanks for the you better be careful, and don't try this at home welcoming replies to my first post.

    If we can move forward, I am interested in a couple of things, and thought some might share some un-biased knowlege on this forum. I am not looking for the facebook environment to which a lot of the mentality here seems to lean...

    Feel free to comment, and I will come up with some questions for this forum and see if this "forum" really is.

    Thank you for your time.
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
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  27. #17
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    Curious as to what the facebook mentality is. If you go back and read the last 50 or so intro's in the intro section, you'll get an idea of why some of the comments were made.

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  29. #18
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    all you need to do is read its all here. oh ya and maybe get a shorter horse.

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  31. #19
    Scrapcrazy is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    i cant explain it. Some may call it good intuition, others may call it plain common sense. But i can simply look at someone and know if im going to like them or not. Who knows, maybe im psychic or superficially judgemental. I can claim the same after reading ones writing. If this was a the show Survivor, someone would have been voted off this island 17 posts earlier.

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  33. #20
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    not pointing any fingers and definitely have no room in my life history to be judgmental. that said, every now and then we get one of those posters that just leave the impression, they were/are one of those who look a scrappers of any type as a lower class , oh of course not if they are Hobby collectors tho.

    I am a scrapper always have been in my heart, I am also a collector. I have my little museum, and my keep piles.. I can do other things not as hard for an old guy like me, but I love this always have, I remember when I was a little Dude ai loved going to the town dump, it was one of the highlights of the year for me. any one showing a disdain for scrappers, or scrapping just doesn't fit in the few hours of the day for me. weather you love it or hate it and are doing it for survival sake my heart is out and my hat off to you all.

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