Mixed plastics and Clothing can be recycled for cash, you just have to search the forum and or google to find the buyers for them. As for Toys, depending on what you have, you can make some serious cash selling them on craigslist and or
eBay. An example would be LEGOs. They are worth quite a bit, these days.
You are from greensboro, so it might be to far for you to make the trip, but there is an electronics recycler in Salisbury NC, that will buy all of your electronics plastics from you, the last load I took them i got $0.08/lb for mixed plastics. Though I caution you to find a better buyer for your
E-Waste such as circuit boards, power supplies etc... The name of this company is Powerhouse Recycling, they are located off of I-85.
Good Luck in your new business.