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New guy from the upstate of SC

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  1. #1
    Lowdown89 started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

    Member since
    Aug 2012
    Travelers rest sc
    Thanked 2 Times in 2 Posts

    New guy from the upstate of SC

    Hy guys, my name is Jason and I'm from the big city of travelers rest SC..... Im 28 and have been scrapping surf since I was 15-16 for a while it was all I did and then I got a "real job" well after loosing my job 2 years ago I have gotten back into it full time but since everyone and their brother is doing it's these days it's not as easy as it used to be. I found this forum while searching for ways to stop small diameter wiring like out of cords off tv's vacuums etc..... I recently bought a drill powered stripped to try and make stripping my stranded wire easier since I have just been taking it without stripping it but it doesn't work for the smaller wires that are inside the larger insulated casing So hopefully I can find a way to strip that... Besides that I will scrap anything I can make a legal dollar off of from regular steel,aluminum,whatever.... Anyway it is great to find a forum dedicated to scrap meal and hopefully I can add some insight as well as gain some knowledge!

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