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E-Scrap Gold Finger Question

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    Matt215 started this thread.
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    E-Scrap Gold Finger Question

    I haven't been tothe local yards yet to ask around, but I am finding Gold Fingers clean online pricing around 5-6$ lb.
    But, on ebay they are going for MUCH higher, like 50$-100$ a lb. cleaned? Anyone else notice this, or am I missing something?

  2. #2
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    Step 1- Go do a intro
    Step 2- Go look at the buyers section of the forum
    Step 3- see that going rate of gold fingers by the pound is 70$-80$
    Step 4- go read the rest of the forum
    Step 5- If you cant read just give up on ewaste all together and find a new hobby.
    Born to think, destine to succeed.

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  4. #3
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt215 View Post
    I haven't been tothe local yards yet to ask around, but I am finding Gold Fingers clean online pricing around 5-6$ lb.
    But, on ebay they are going for MUCH higher, like 50$-100$ a lb. cleaned? Anyone else notice this, or am I missing something?
    If you want to be majorly ripped off, sell to the one offering that price.

    If you dont want to be majorly ripped off, then sell to someone offering the real price which right now is either $70 or $75lb
    George Beale - Founder & President -
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  5. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt215 View Post
    I haven't been tothe local yards yet to ask around, but I am finding Gold Fingers clean online pricing around 5-6$ lb.
    But, on ebay they are going for MUCH higher, like 50$-100$ a lb. cleaned? Anyone else notice this, or am I missing something?
    If I could buy gold fingers for $5.-6. a lb I would have a big tote full to be selling off. Be very cautious with someone you don't know. Our buyers here have the various comments from customers for you to read beforehand so you can make an informed decision.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  6. #5
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    Is an intro a must here? Just wondering, seeing few people go off about em. Just wondering cause I never read that forum that much... LOL

  7. #6
    Matt215 started this thread.
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    Dang, I guess you cant answer a question without sarcasm and anger anymore on the internet huh? I figured out that I was finding some websites calling RAM Gold Finger RAM, or Finger Ram and they meant whole RAM, not trimmed at 5-6$lb. BTW I dont know you Dunemaul, but you made yourself sound like a jerk. Thanks Anyway.

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  9. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dunemaul View Post

    Step 1- Go do a intro
    Step 2- Go look at the buyers section of the forum
    Step 3- see that going rate of gold fingers by the pound is 70$-80$
    Step 4- go read the rest of the forum
    Step 5- If you cant read just give up on ewaste all together and find a new hobby.
    i love this forum already lol

  10. #8
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    If you think im a jerk take a look directly below my post. 4 great threads on the subject and our top buyer on gold fingers. Cant help to come off rude when the answer is staring at you. If you were to call my shop and ask i would tell you the answer but the fact you found the forums means you can use Google so i have higher expectations of those that post on here.

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  12. #9
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    I don't know if an intro. is a must but when you sign up for this forum you are asked to make an introduction so we all know who we are talking to. All we ask is to give some info about who you are and a little history about yourself then to read the old post because most of your questions have already been answered.

  13. #10
    jghilino's Avatar
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    I am going to give some insight into the fingers that these scrap buyers are not going to give you. The scrap buyers will pay you $80 per pound and send you on your way. Theres about 20 different subtypes of fingers. Prices range from $80 per pound-$500 per pound. It all depends on density, single or double sided and the thickness of the substrate. $80 pounds is a base rate, depending on what you have its possible to get alot more. Ive seen single sided fingers on thick boards to double sided fingers on the extremely thin ribbon cables. As thin as a piece of paper or 1/4" thick makes a huge difference. Gold yield by weight ranges from 1%-over 50%. Im sure some peeps are going to call me out on this but just remember that alot of these people are either scrap buyers or have a deal with a buyer so take it with a grain of salt.

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  15. #11
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    I think it also makes a difference how it's refined, apparently backyard refiners can only extract 5% of what a sophisticated system can.
    not just gold but all the other elements.
    there's just not enough of these high end machines I think out there yet, so it's understandable that those that do have the technology are making the most of it.

    watching some videos on people sending away chips & fingers to refiners and getting a tiny blob of gold in return makes me wonder what happened to the platinum, the silver and god know's what.

  16. #12
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    Pretty sure it's been said in the past on the forum, but one way to tell how "quality" your fingers/contacts/pins/whatever are is to go by the color. From my experience, shiny and bright is lower yield, duller the better. For (very) roughly testing the thickness of the plating on PCI fingers, run a screwdriver over the length of the contacts. You can get an idea from the feel and even the sound it makes. For comparison, take a couple cards from different eras (one from 80s/early 90s, one from mid/late 90s, one from 2000+) and run your screwdriver over all of them, it's pretty obvious how different they are. But you can usually tell just by looking, once you get the hang of it. It can definitely be worth your while to seperate your fingers if you're selling them on ebay or wherever, most bidders seem to know what they're doing and will bid accordingly.
    Same goes for pins, color test works for them but it's much harder to tell the thickness. I can say, though, that taking a pair of pliers to a newer pin seems to strip off some of the plating much easier than older ones, so I suppose that could be a "test" of sorts.
    Definitely seperate your pins if you have a lot of them, there's a substantial variance of recovery between eras/brands/types. Regular cheap IDE cable pins are pretty crappy unless they're really old or designed for high end applications.
    Last edited by LoginR; 09-09-2012 at 09:22 AM.

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