Hello Jon from Arizona scrapping for about a year now first part time now doing it a lot more. This is a good site and realize i am not the only one crazy enough to be doing this. We all have some insanity in common but it is sure nice to get that ticket to cash in, a real rush. I have been doing a little metal scrapping but the overhead is way to high but I think if I do about 2-3 tons at a time it should be a little more profitable, if the prices hold steady which is questionable. I hoarded about 6k of metal while it was low and cashed it in on the upswing recently. Metal puts a lot of wear on my vehicles I have noticed but I will scrap everything else that is worth money and am finding out there is money in them darn junk hills.
As someone said to me recently when I had a load it is "Metal Wars huh".
