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  1. #1
    JohnP started this thread.
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    Hello! My name is John. I am 29 years old and realized that I really messed up deciding to never go to high school. I'm a pretty smart guy, computer nerd you know but its hard not being able to get a better job than making $8.25 at some gas station. I have been thinking lately about all the possible ways to make money without really spending much money. I am interested to see just how much I could make scrapping metals. Maybe even melting them down myself than selling them? I think that sounds pretty fun to do for a while as I work my job gettin minimum wage! I been thinking about how much copper and aluminum, all kinds of metal people throw away that I can just hoard till I have tons of pounds just waiting to cash in on it. I live a EASY life. I go to work, make my paychecks I am a big minimalist and a LOT of my paycheck I simply just save. I don't waste money and I don't really have bills to pay since I don't run up huge monthly bills! So I think scrapping metals will make me a good bit of money, just more money to throw into savings for when I'm too old to make money and I should be set for life.

    So what are your thoughts, should I try out collecting "junk" to scrap for metals just to hoard it, melt it down in the future once I cant hoard any more and see if I could cash in on it? Or maybe I should try to find a different new hobby. I'm totally dedicated to scrapping I see potential to make enough money to live happy. Even if I am only collecting enough scrap thats worth maybe $30 to $50 dollars every day, on top of my job thats sorta like making $70 to $90 a day, the thing is I would just have to cash in on it every month/year to get that money. Is this a realistic amount of money to think I could be making? I have no problem digging around junk yards, garbage dumps, garage sales thrift shops you name it I'll think of it as an adventure, maybe even a good work out!

  2. #2
    submarinepainter's Avatar
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    Hi John , sounds like you will do well.
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  3. #3
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum. Yes, scrapping/recycling is a great way to make extra income or even be your main source, melting it down is not realistic though. I suggest you educate yourself by reading the old posts so that you can maximize your profits...also set a goal to get your GED by the end of the year, the test is really not all that bad.
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  5. #4
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    Welcome to the forum and take the time to read the old threads most of what you need to know are contained in them. The completion of your GED would close a chapter in your life that is bothersome to you. All the community colleges offer the tests and study assistance. I would think there would be study guides available online as well.

    One thing you mentioned was melting down scrap for the purpose of selling later, don't do it. Most scrap yards would be hesitant to buy blocks of Cu or Al so its better to leave them in the original condition. Plus it is costly to melt them down. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  6. #5
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Scrappings a two way winner.
    You end up with cash in the hand for the scrap & you don't spend much (except for scrapping overheads) when you are scrapping. Plus, its really really entertaining...

    So, if you are already saving 40% of your pay. When you are scrapping you will probably be able to save 30% of it & 100% of your scrapmetal $$, if you want.

    On a side note, Americas minimum wage is sad. In NZ the minimum wage is NZ$13.50. Thats US$10.80 a hour, but our gasoline is NZ$2.20 a litre & electricity is 30cents a unit.

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  8. #6
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    Welcome to the forum John. I agree with KZ's advice that you should take the very simple steps necessary to complete your GED. As far as your scrapping game plan, a pile of cash takes up far less room than a pile of copper. Cash in your gatherings and use the money you make to acquire more scrap . You will find that this allows you to grow your profits exponentially. As far as the percentage you would like to keep and save. Save the cash or do yourself an investment favor and buy some silver to hoard. This allows you to both reward yourself and grow what could potentially be a profitable, self sustaining business.

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  10. #7
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by recyclethis View Post
    Welcome to the forum John. I agree with KZ's advice that you should take the very simple steps necessary to complete your GED. As far as your scrapping game plan, a pile of cash takes up far less room than a pile of copper. Cash in your gatherings and use the money you make to acquire more scrap . You will find that this allows you to grow your profits exponentially. As far as the percentage you would like to keep and save. Save the cash or do yourself an investment favor and buy some silver to hoard. This allows you to both reward yourself and grow what could potentially be a profitable, self sustaining business.
    Did i just here you say stash some silver? I must be rubbing off on ya.
    ALso welcome aboard.

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