Just posting to say Hi, forum looks great and tons of info here.
I'm not quite new to the scrap scene, been doing scrapruns for maybe 3 years. I started with scrap steel and learned to break things down to get a better return as I went. Reading the forum i've seen some great ideas on how to be more efficent.
Right now I don't have the space to scrap large amounts of steel as my storage area is limited and I live on the second floor. My main focus has been copper lately, it's far easier to store.
Considering purchasing a
wire stripper (drill powered or manual pull through) to get away from running the razor over so many feet of wire. I've probably read 20 threads on better ways to strip or which one to use over the razor in the last week alone lol.
I work in the shipping deptartment of a major copper and brass manufacturing plant, so I see the stuff all day, every day. Last month I think I shipped 18 million pounds of copper and brass, I sure wish that was my profit lol. It does server as a constant reminder of how much copper is out there and gives ideas where to find it all the time. Good motivator for a scrapper.
Looking forward to being on the forum regularly