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Introducing myself.

| Introduce yourself
  1. #1
    throwstuff started this thread.
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    Introducing myself.

    Hello everyone. I've been scrapping for 5 years, and have been gaining new knowledge from this forum for quite some time. I live in a small town in the desert. I mainly scrap copper(I'm addicted to motors) and brass. I also do the heavier stuff and clean out old farms, though i do not prefer scrapping steel. I have an old back/leg injury that has recently come back to haunt me, so I am trying to get more into E scrapping so that i won't have to do so much heavy lifting (used to put a lot of appliances in my truck solo). Anyways, computers are scarce around here, so I'm still going hard on the appliances. I have a 98 jeep wrangler and a 2000 Ford F-150, and a 12' trailer to pull behind whichever I choose to drive. Trailer's pretty nifty because I have some steel ramps that go on the back(heavy suckers, though) and lots of come-alongs, chains, ropes, a boom, etc. I have a great job, but sadly I do not make much money, so scrapping is a lifesaver for my family(a beautiful wife and daughter). I'm 21 years old, so if my youth or inexperience offend anybody, I apologize in advance. Well, that's me, I suppose. If theres anything I missed that should be in a proper introduction, feel free to let me know.


    (edit) wow , didnt look first or I would have seen how many other people were as uninventive as me with their title. I'm embarrassed.

    Last edited by throwstuff; 09-15-2012 at 03:38 PM. Reason: embarrassment

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  3. #2
    TheHoss's Avatar
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    Haha, nice to have you here bud. I'm 22, there are plenty of young guys here, as well as some old farts still hangin' around.

  4. #3
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Welcome from Denver.
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  5. #4
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum. I'm one of those old farts.

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  7. #5
    Ecycle Atlanta's Avatar
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    Welcome...people of all ages welcome, especially if they are willing to learn and contribute. Good luck!

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  9. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheHoss View Post
    Haha, nice to have you here bud. I'm 22, there are plenty of young guys here, as well as some old farts still hangin' around.
    Who you calling an old fart??? lol
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  11. #7
    TheHoss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Who you calling an old fart??? lol
    Well....It depends.

    When you fart, is their dust?

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  13. #8
    MNdigger's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum!!!

  14. #9
    Scrapette's Avatar
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    I like your name, welcome to the forum. Escrap can be a lot easier on the body.Hope you do well.There is a lot to be learned in the archives here or you can just google an escrap topic and most likely it will bring you back to this site anyway ( sometimes I have better luck doing it that way).
    Success consists of going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm...... Churchill

  15. #10
    throwstuff started this thread.
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    thank you for the welcome everyone. had a good haul yesterday. 2 printers, a fax machine, a copy machine, a computer and 2 vaacums. tomorrow i'm paying my cousin and his friend to go sell all my steel. i have tons of stuff stashed in my shop and backyard. funny thing, as if i wasnt already hurt enough, i gashed my head at work today lol. anyways, the computer just needs a hard drive(found it in a dumpster lol it was the only thing in there so i didnt have to dig; i dont dig anyways except with my 36" crowbar). i have two cleanouts to do in the next two days, should get at least 1k lbs (an engine and anchor) at the first one, and a big stainless steel restaurant style stove and a huge pile of storm doors at the second. i'm definitely going to be using my come-along and ramps. even for a washer, which i used to just throw around like a lunchbox. anyways, i got a question i've been waiting a long time to ask over in the escrap section, so i'm out. i will see yall next time i use my grandma-in-law's internet. toodles.

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