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  1. #1
    sixteenacrewood started this thread.
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    Hello from the upstate of South Carolina!

    Hi everyone. I have been lurking here for a few months now, signed up a month or so back and have been reading as much as possable, time permitting.

    I mainly want to thank those of you who share you knowledge and experience with those of us who are new to this, sharing knowledge is the most valuable gift you can give another person.

    to make a long story shorter..... I am or was a carpenter, 50 yrs old, and like many, I have had to reinvent myself to stay afloat.

    I've cleaned gutters when high end remodeling was not available, when money ran out, i cleaned out an old barn on my property and realized the previous property owner, Craig Hawkins, had left behind a large stash of copper fittings, pipe, aluminum blocks, pump motors, and several tons of scrap steel. All neetly stashed and organized, so he probably never got in trouble with his wife.
    I never met this man personaly, but you learn a lot when you clean out someone's barn.
    My first week of scrapping brought in just over $1500.

    I now have a simi succesful new business and an artist/woodworker, but I am still very hooked on scrapping. I love vacumn cleaners for some stange reason and have now gotten very hooked on computers, printers, and anything electronic. There is a very elegant and artistic design to many of the things I have been taking apart.

    I like to end the work day demanufacturing something, I like hand tools and high speed, and I like to time myself on a complete disassimbly.

    I am going to learn to post photos, and I have a number of questions I will be asking, and yes I use the "search" function a lot.

    I sent in my first small 32 lb load to ewasted a few weeks ago, so if he reads this, "thanks", and yes, I got my check!

    I have already made a number of mistakes, but that's ok, like in woodworking, those are the lessons that teach you the most.

    Thanks again to all of you who share you know how

    I'll be posting questions soon

  2. #2
    Ecycle Atlanta's Avatar
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    hello 16acre...glad to have you here.

  3. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Warsaw , Ind. In the heart of the lakes, and down the street from the hotel where Al Capone stayed.
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    I am going to learn to post photos, and I have a number of questions I will be asking, and yes I use the "search" function a lot.
    Sounds like your off to a good start;
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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