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Rookie E-Scraper

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  1. #1
    allen4369 started this thread.
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    Rookie E-Scraper

    Hello Every One

    First of all. A little about me.. I have worked in recycling, But have not done much with E-scrap. I am just getting started.. I could use some help..I need to talk with some one to see best ways to break down and sell my stuff.I have started with some old cell phones, & computers. I have since been getting all kinds of electronics.I have a place fore the useal,IE> copper. brass, alum, steel. But don't know what to do with gold silver & such.. Any help would be great...
    Thank you Allen4369

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allen4369 View Post
    Hello Every One

    First of all. A little about me.. I have worked in recycling, But have not done much with E-scrap. I am just getting started.. I could use some help..I need to talk with some one to see best ways to break down and sell my stuff.I have started with some old cell phones, & computers. I have since been getting all kinds of electronics.I have a place fore the useal,IE> copper. brass, alum, steel. But don't know what to do with gold silver & such.. Any help would be great...
    Thank you Allen4369
    Here would be a good place to start; Electronics Recycling

    Then after you have quite a bit of escrap you can start looking at some of our buyers, and find 1 or 2 that your comfortable with.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  4. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    How did u get into cell phones im trying to. I just cant figure out where to get them or how old of stuff to get or not to get?

  5. #4
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum. I am a local buyer down in Denver Colorado and would be glad to answer any questions you might have. Feel free to PM me or call me if you like. My cell is 303-549-9884 name is Terry.

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