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new to scrapping & have a question

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  1. #1
    HStoverScrapping started this thread.
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    new to scrapping & have a question

    hey guys ive been wanting to start scrapping for about the last year just haven't had the time or needed the money but this last week my dad lost his job and his new one don't make the bills so i decided to go at it head on to help bring in some extra cash other then my paycheck.

    i have property to have a scarp yard i have 2 tucks and several trailers my plan is to go around to all the auto shops with a nice business card and just introduce my self im bound to get somebody to start saving there stuff for me.

    i also been reading about brass bed frames witch is what my question is about if it is plated over steel its worthless right? you wont get yellow brass price for it i just cant seem to find a cut and dry answer thanks guys!

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    if the magnet sticks its "worthless". through it in your iron pile

  3. #3
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NJCrecycling View Post
    if the magnet sticks its "worthless". through it in your iron pile
    Not will get .05-.08ish a pound instead of $2ish.

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  5. #4
    HStoverScrapping started this thread.
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    hey thanks so much from both of you and i more meant worthless to me as brass and i know im sure most auto shops already have a guy they save it for and have people coming in all the time kinda hoping the up and coming winter may slow others down and i can get me some of there work!

  6. #5
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    Spend some time reading the old threads here its a Masters degree education in scraping. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  7. #6
    submarinepainter's Avatar
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    Good Luck!!
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  8. #7
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    welcome aboard

  9. #8
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Also on the brass bed frames make sure you take them apart. Most of them have long steel rods that go throw them to hold them together, If there is any steel in the brass you'll only get about half of clean yellow brass price. A magnet is a scrappers best freind keep one with you and check all your metal with it. If it sticks it's steel.

  10. #9
    HStoverScrapping started this thread.
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    yeah i hit a second hand store today and there was a brass bed frame for 20 with steel rods through it but it had like brass side rails and top rail but the middle of the head board was painted steel so i passed there was also 2 lamps for 10 each but one had a big steel plate on the bottom and the other i just didn't think it was heavy enough to make a profit im going to go yard selling tomorrow tho keeping my eye open for cheap old speakers anything brass i also want to keep my eye open for items with aluminum in them i also had a thought while i was at the thrift store i was basically just trying to guess the weight and i got an idea i have a old fish weighing tool that will fit in my pocket and be quick to check something i have a feeling people might get upset if i flat out tell them im junking there stuff lol

  11. #10
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    I take my scale with me when I go to the thrift store. Back when I was buying alot of silver I would stand at the case for an hour looking for all the silver jewelry and weighing each piece to see if it was worth buying or not. Another thing to look for whenyour garage selling is ladders. Ive got more than 1 extension ladder for $5 at yard sales.

  12. #11
    HStoverScrapping started this thread.
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    o dang extension ladders would be a good thing to grab thanks for the tip!

  13. #12
    HStoverScrapping started this thread.
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    well no luck in the yard sell department this weekend but i have a pretty massive garbage pile going in my back field that i filled up with a bunch of old tvs speakers stereos printers cbs ect about 6 months ago so i went out and got all that stuff and started prepossessing it still have quit a bit of work ahead before im finished im over half done but im nearing 15 pounds of bright shinny copper 8 pounds of aluminum 4 pounds of brass and a 5 gal bucket of insulated wire a few blisters some sore hands and a total war zone in my garage lol!
    Last edited by HStoverScrapping; 10-08-2012 at 03:05 AM.

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