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Hello from minnesota.

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    Sal is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Hello from minnesota.

    Just thought I would get off on the right foot by introducing my self.

    My names Sal and I'm a baby scrapper. I just recently noticed it after hauling a load of breakage (randoms chunks of steel and a old sbc) too the local scrap yard that this could be an interesting use of my extra time. Was surprised that was nearly $500 worth of scrap, lol.

    Well I might as well list my current equipment,

    2002 ex-cab F150 FX4, it has the 5.4 and the factory tow package

    Homemade 6x14 utility trailer (actually if is 8x16 if you want too count the the fenders and tongue) Its a heavy duty trailer, I have hauled 4.5k of hay on it before and a massive load of class 5 (more then 6,000 lbs, the tires were nearly flat at 50 psi)

    Plus just about every tool but a chop saw.

    Just some Q's, is it worth taking microwaves and freezers for scrap, I mean its a lot of work for such a little return (well it is when you try not too break it into a lot of sharp pieces)

    well thats all I can think of too say for now, best regards,


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