Hi all, been reading posts for a while now here. It is now time to make some posts, this is a great forum here. Very knowledgeable members here along with a wealth of information. I got interested in e-scrap after going to my local scrap yard one day to bring in some copper. Had run into someone that was weighing up some e-scrap. Prices at my yard are terrible $8.00 LB for gold fingered ram lol will not be going there. So anyway talked with him for a bit that was all it took lol. So my main focus now is e-scrap, not ruling out any other type of scrapping. E-scrap will be convenient for now when the snow flies and the big freeze hits here soon this winter lol. As I'm set up in my basement with quite a large room with nice work bench and area, put the radio going good to go. Also noticed that if there is any questions use the search option which i have, but at times it does not always give the answers your looking for. Maybe it is not set up for 'Phrases' just single words i dont know? Google helps to. Will be looking forward to some more posts. Take care all.