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New to the Scrapping World - NC

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  1. #1
    djones36987 started this thread.
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    New to the Scrapping World - NC

    Very new to the scrapping world and have found it to be much more challenging that I expected. I work for a venture capital company and one of the companies we own is a scrap metal company. We did very well with copper wire last year but the auctions have gone crazy with the amount people are willing to pay. Doesn't make since to buy it if you can't make a profit. We are also exploring many different opportunities but seem to be running into the same thing. We are open to partnering with individuals or companies in the right situations.

    I have actually learned a great deal from this site over the past couple of days and look forward to learning more and exploring opportunities with other members.

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  3. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djones36987 View Post
    Very new to the scrapping world and have found it to be much more challenging that I expected. I work for a venture capital company and one of the companies we own is a scrap metal company. We did very well with copper wire last year but the auctions have gone crazy with the amount people are willing to pay. Doesn't make since to buy it if you can't make a profit. We are also exploring many different opportunities but seem to be running into the same thing. We are open to partnering with individuals or companies in the right situations.

    I have actually learned a great deal from this site over the past couple of days and look forward to learning more and exploring opportunities with other members.
    You might want to read up here, he has been growing stronger and getting bigger and might be able to do something for you.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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