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hey yall i have an idea that i would like input on. im thinking about buying a small foundry i can melt copper in. i was thinking that i could buy light copper scrap and melt it down into heavy copper scrap and then sell at a profit-per-pound. i would be doing business with scrap yards at first, or anyone who can offer me good prices. thoughts?
Melting light weight copper your going to have to much loss going up the stack, wont be long before the EPA is chomping onto your butt. if your hell bent on trying this your best bet would be the copper cell.
Compress your light copper into cubes or sheets, pickle the cubes in acid to clean them up you can not have any oxides or shellack on the wire then insert these into a titanium basket, this would be your anode then plate your copper onto a stainless steel sheet this would be your cathode.
The electroplated copper peels off the stainless sheet, presto you have 4 nines copper.
From there you can feed the copper through rolls to form nice clean uniform sheet which can now be sized or cut into bar stock. Any waste goes back into your copper cell.
Save yourself come grief forget this idea your pockets are not deep enough to pursue this project.