hello everyone. Ive been stalking the forum for about 2 months now and i just now decided i need an account. i would like to say thanks to everyones threads that ive read so far, ive learned alot. I am 18 years old and ive been scrapping for almost a year now and ive made lots of money doing this while having lots of fun. My dad has towed junk cars for salvage for many years and i remember when I was younger I used to love to climb around in all the cars and look for loose change under the seats. I have many stories i wish to share and lots of neat pictures I would like to show you all and make you feel jealous when I get some time to post them

As of right now I scrap alot out of my car or one of my fathers big tow trucks. I am just now getting started on
e-scrap and ive been in contact with some of the buyers on here, I decided since this is where I learned about e-scrap then this is where I should sell it. I cant think of anything else to tell you all so thanks for having me here on the forum, I plan to be around for a long time. thanks everyone.