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No longer a lingerer :)

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    Spo started this thread.
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    No longer a lingerer :)

    Hey everyone,

    Been floating around the website for the past few weeks and decided to finally become a member. I'm fairly new to scrapping, although I've always loved taking things apart (putting them back together was never my thing). I live in Washington State and work as a management consultant for a couple different companies. One of the companies I work for is a demolition & construction company and since I began work there, I have come across tons of scrap 'goodies'. Anything from wiring, lighting, building materials, and even e-waste. Most of the stuff is given to me free as long as I haul it by when they need, but there have been a few times I've offered prices on large copper/aluminum lots. I've visited this site quite often to reference the wealth of information you all have provided and for that I thank you! Looking forward to sharing and learning much more.

    Btw, I recently hauled away about 120 office phones from a demolition site (mostly old Meridian M2616). Most of these phones are in good condition, but i'm not sure if I should scrap em or try selling them as used office equipment. They don't seem to be selling on ebay, and they just seem too outdated to get a fair price. Took a few apart last night and found a green circuit board in the units (i'm assuming midgrade?) and another small circuit board behind the LCD screen that seems to have gold. The lot was free, so any way I handle it I'll come out on top, but I'd like to know if these are worth parting out for e-waste or should I try selling em?

    Any input/advice is appreciated! Thank you.


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