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Hi from Australia

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    Manny started this thread.
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    Hi from Australia

    Hi everyone,I am in Australia as the title says.I have been a lurker around here for at least 6 months just reading & learning as much as I can.
    I started scraping when my son was unwell early this year and I had to take a lot of time off work but still pay the bills.With all the knowledge you all share we got by in tough times.
    I am glad to say after 6 months of chemotherapy my boy has kicked cancers arse.
    Scraping started as a way to pay the bills but after my first trip to the yard I must say it became my passion.I love it,I love the hunt,out seeing what you can get,I love being in the shed(with a few too many beers)breaking things down & I love the cash also.
    I would not of made half of what I have if it was not for this forum.
    So now my boy is well & the bills are paid I am looking at moving to full time scraping & also getting involved in the forum,I have a lot more to learn but may be able to help some starting out.
    Cheers Brett

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