Greetings! I'm an electronics junky and figured I would start scrapping some of the items I've acquired over the years. This will be more of a hobby for me to teach my children about the various components in electronics hardware.
Greetings! I'm an electronics junky and figured I would start scrapping some of the items I've acquired over the years. This will be more of a hobby for me to teach my children about the various components in electronics hardware.
Where in ct are you from?
New Fairfield via Dallas, TX, via Chicago, Il
Welcome From AZ just moved out of Chicago a year ago!
Welcome to the forum from East Hartford CT, lots of cool info on this site.
Welcome to the forum.
God bless your neighbors in Newtown.
"Easy does it, first things first, do what you can. Believe me, I too have been through the wringer." Bill W.
Welcome from Indiana...
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