Originally Posted by
So how do you extract the silver then from the contacts. Or do you?
Relays and such having larger silver buttons some folk use a torch to remove the silver wafer, a procedure done outdoors because there maybe cadmium fumes. Then you can either extract the silver or sell the wafers, I extract my silver but I'm not going into the how its done here on the scrap forum.
Those large electric motors used on the rigs all use a relay, check with your electrician for old relays.
I do however suggest you join a companion forum the gold refining forum here
Gold Refining Forum.com • Index page
Once you've joined look for member palladium then from his signature file download Hokes book, Refining Precious Metals Wastes, then find Ms Hokes other book Testing Precious Metals.
Read the first book before asking your first question over at the Gold forum the members over there do not tolerate repetitiously dumb questions that have repeatedly been asked. over and over again.
You have been warned, read Hoke's.
You should also understand the electromotive series of metals, if you or a freind own a boat your aware of the sacrificial zinc anode attached to the lower part of the engine do you know its purpose.