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finally found you guys!

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    ScrappinMama started this thread.
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    finally found you guys!

    hi ya'll i am a texan living in iowa. i live in a college town and have always been a dumpster diver. started by hauling metal bed and futon frames to the scrap yard for a few dollars but am looking to ramp it up and start taking things apart into more valuable metals. i have an 8-5 but believe me i spend a lot of time on SMF during the day and would much rather be outside. still learning how to do this, I'm a 43 year old mother of 2 who enjoy going "treasure hunting" with me. I have a F150, a garage and a lot of willingness to learn and work hard. i don't mind asking questions and reading a lot to educate myself. love reading the forum. looking forward to learning more with you guys.

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