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Looking get rid of Rookie Stripe!

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  1. #1
    QuestnMark started this thread.

    Member since
    Feb 2013
    United States
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

    Looking get rid of Rookie Stripe!

    Hi guys,

    My name is Mark from Cornelius NC. I am blessed with a beautiful wife, 12yr old duaghter, 2yr old son and second daughter on the way.

    So I am really excited to join after countless hours of watching youtube vids and not being able to talk to someone. I am def a newbie and probably full of possibly dumb and/or ignorant questions. With that said, bear with me, I feel like the robot from the movie "Short Circuit" NEED MORE INPUT! Anyway, after 20 years in the bar/nightclub industry I had to find a better lifestyle to coincide with family and having kids. I got into storage auctions with some precious experience from my grandfather. He was a straight up hustler and could find ways to make money anywhere. Big ups Grampa...miss you! I went to a lot of auctions of all, equipment, estate, livestock etc. Hell I think he bought Grandma at an auction. I digress.

    I started dabbling in a few different auction settings including storage auctions which is what lead me to scrapping. One of the first units I got had a bunch of metal file cabinets, weights, a restaurant style flat top etc. The first trip to the scrap yard was a very pleasant surprise not knowing what to expect and making over $150 cash. I was astounded! Now I see things so differently. I have seen large metal scrap piles, what I used to see as garbage, now I see as dollar signs. And it seems to be everywhere which is great. Especially in storage auctions, I have collected quite a bit of old electronics, hardware etc that I am now ready to learn how, where, when and what to scrap to what degree. I am humbly ready to learn from all you veteran metal heads out there!

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