an old rv we scrapped

old truck I bought to get the 460 and filled with scrap

a more recent pic. work was slow and we had a bunch of old tires that were saved for random reasons and wanted to clean up. I figured why not get the rims out. I broke them all down with a slide hammer

another pic of my pickup hauling scrap

about a year ago I spent about 3 months cutting copper bars from these motors. All in all me and another guy cleaned about 100 tons of them. There were a few that were not cut at the time because the boss didn't have a rescue saw to cut the copper ends. These were threw to the side and I asked about cleaning them and we worked a deal that benefitted both of us. The F350 was down at the time so I had to pull it with my f100 and it was scary. My driveway is steep and I thought the transmission was going to explode. lol

my poor little truck

this is about all the pics I have of my scrapping. I usually don't take pics