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    Hypoman started this thread.
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    Been reading the posts for about two weeks now. Decided to join. Once I am out of the military, I will be starting my own business with my bro and scrapping will be just one tier of the business. I am always looking to learn, whether it be about scrapping or running a business. So any advice you guys give will always be appreciated. I absolutely love scrapping. i don't know what it is about it, but it is so interesting and fun. I recall when I was in high school, I had to take a couple of loads to the dump. In the loads were 2 or 3 car batteries. If I had known then what I know now....I would have made quite a bit of money just from that load. It was all metal!. What a waste. Instead i had to pay $25 per load! Now I don't even throw out a screw.....I put it in with the tin cans. Some people learn ahow to be a doctor, a zoo keeper.....I learn about metal....and it seems more interesting at least.

    Last edited by Hypoman; 12-18-2010 at 03:47 PM.

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