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  1. #1
    ScrapperGrl1208 started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

    Member since
    Mar 2013
    Springfield Twp, NJ
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

    Hey y'all....

    Hey, new to the forum. Stumbled across it this weekend while researching breaking down circuit boards. Relatively new to scrapping, my first trip to the yard was last summer with a friend to get rid of a Nautilus machine that was taking up space in the garage. Soon graduated to stripping Romex and scrapping the old gutters that came off my roof, I would love to be able to scrap enough to get my furniture refinishing business up and running. In my former life, I was an Accoutant and have vowed to never be tied to a desk again...

    I welcome any advice that anyone is willing to provide, and I'll try not to ask any really dumb newbie questions (I reserve those for the guy who runs the shop at my local scrapyard).

    . Laura

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