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New guy from Orlando, Florida.

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  1. #1
    Errorprone started this thread.
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    New guy from Orlando, Florida.

    Hi everyone!

    I've been reading this forum for a few months now while slowly ramping up my little part-time scrapping gig. So far I've collected old computers from myself (lol), friends, family, and a few small businesses. I plan to start going to some weekend auctions in the very near future. So far I've been getting mostly Optiplex-type business machines and similar era LCD monitors. My largest score is an old Poweredge 1800 tower server.

    During the day I'm a small business/commercial loan underwriter here in Orlando. If anyone has any questions about the business loan world, I would be happy to try and answer them. On hours that do not fall between 9am and 5pm during the work week, I tool around with my CNC machine or clean up the mess I made with said machine.

    I look forward to discussing our scrapping adventures together!

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  3. #2
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Hello to you!

    Welcome to the forums from a sandbar of the coast of NC. Kick back, grab a beverage ( we won't judge), and get ready for the best education you'll ever find when dealing with ewaste and scrap metal recycling.

    Now get cracking so you can regale us with tales of your scrapping adventures. :P

    Sirscrapalot - Was just in Fl. and didn't need bailed out. Yey!

  4. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Welcome the forum from a fellow neighbor. It is very competitive here for scrap figure out a niche and go at it. Most people buy to rebuild and re-sell others like me will pay top dollar because of this. I go to all the auctions and strike out a good bit the ones you have a chance of winning usually there isn't enough to make it worth waiting around through a 4 hour auction for 3 old computers and monitors, or a pallet of printers.

  5. #4
    Errorprone started this thread.
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    Thanks your the welcomes!

    ScrapYaHerd - I'm not sweating it too much, that's what the day job is for! Also, if you want to buy a couple of working Optiplex 745s, some dell LCD monitors, or or a Poweredge 1800, let me know!

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