Originally Posted by
They certainly are trying to put Curb Co. out of business in Oregon.................
An LLC is a Limited Liability Company. For a few hundred dollars you can create an LLC (type of business) that limits your personal liability so when you get sued you don't lose everything. You would also be registering as a business and getting business insurance. Most guys that do this as a hobby do not do this, but it's common knowledge if you are using a vehicle for a business (which the insurance company may argue) and do not have business coverage it is possible that the insurance company may not cover an accident. If you hit someone or something falls off the truck and damages another vehicle you could quickly be in a position to get sued for everything you have.
If you read the link posted by bpatnoe I'd be concerned how I could comply with the laws in Oregon. You could quickly lose any potential profits with the first ticket you get if you don't comply with the laws. It looks like you have a lot of phone calls to make.....