I am new to scrapping having just taken my first load of shred in yesterday. Have been reading the forum for a couple of weeks and it's great. So many helpful people.
My interest is primarily scrapping
ewaste but I will haul anything I can lift and that will fit in my ranger and where I can make a buck.
I am finding it pretty easy to score unwanted electronics at garage sales mostly for free or a buck or two. In fact I am pretty sure some folks would pay me to haul some of this stuff off especially the TV's.
My most interesting find so far was a heavy cast aluminum cased cellphone that weighed 4 1/4 lbs. Khaki colored and likely military, it had the outward appearance of a wall phone. Made by Mitsubishi and looked like it was built to survive a nuclear attack.
My one regret is having somehow overlooked this opportunity for so long!