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Greetings from Missouri!

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  1. #1
    Stangit started this thread.
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    Greetings from Missouri!

    Hi all, just wanted to say thank you for this great site full of valuable information and inspiration. I recently got into
    scrapping to fulfill my financial needs as well as make me feel useful again. I have been disabled due to illness for 3 years now, after turning wrenches for 30 years and it really sucks. Momma was right...Your good health IS really the most important thing.
    Anyway, I am obviously new to scrapping and have just tested the waters and only managed 2 loads so far. I go out trolling and do the curb alerts on CL ( fuel and travel permitting) and have learned how to harvest metals from TV's, monitors,washers etc, and I have a really nice neighbor lady down the road who saves all her cans for me (she really likes Coca Cola!) and has left a futon, an aluminum framed fold up bed, as well as other stuff.
    I check all the dumpsters and scored on some space heaters, lawn tools, and even got some ballast resistors from the post office dumpster..
    I visited the local thrift stores and left my name and # with them and offered to pick up and responsibly dispose of any unwanted or obsolete electricals/items etc. I'm working on a flyer and some cheapo business cards soon.
    My goal is to scrap enough every month to afford our Dr. visits (wife is sick too) and keep the lights on, and have enough to be able to afford or rebuild a used trailer, a bench vise, and maybe even a sawzall.

    I'm sick of sitting around and being broke all the time and stressing the finances. Scrapping is right up my alley, so to speak. It keeps my eye hand coordination sharp, and makes me feel useful. It's like a "job" and I can do it at my own pace. When I am in too much pain, or have my attacks, I can rest and try again the next day etc..

    Lately I have accumulated 12 old style TV's, 2 rug shampooers, 3 vacuums, and 2 of those floor steam cleaner do dads that I'm going to either scrap or sell?, IDK yet..I also have 9-10 cable/Dish boxes remotes and cords I'm thinking
    of selling on Ebay, ..seems to be a market for them..

    I'm limited to what I can obtain due to fuel expenses, and my vehicle. It's hard to lift large stuff and fit it into an Explorer alone! I'm small potatoes now, and happy to be able to ensure me and the wife see our Docs, stay current
    on meds and pay a bill. Scrapping has actually been a blessing in that regard, and so has this site. Thanks to all for sharing their time and knowledge!

    May your scrap loads be heavy, and the wind at your back on the way to the yard!

    P.S-What to do with those TV tubes? I can't afford the "disposal fees".....

  2. #2
    DiamondN's Avatar
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    Welcome from Indiana...

    Quote Originally Posted by Stangit View Post
    What to do with those TV tubes? I can't afford the "disposal fees".....
    Just don't take the older CRT style TVs unless you have a good way to dispose of them...Good Luck...

  3. #3
    Jonniebrass's Avatar
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    Welcome from Massachusetts. May the scrap gods help you find some good scores. Seems that they are always impressed by good karma. Pay some bills and if you can work on getting a trailer. Don't burn 10 in gas to get 5 in scrap. I have trouble with the lifting and small vehicle part as well. When my knee got bad last year I focused on lighter items with higher value. Two months ago I had a total right replacement and have only been getting 1/3 of my normal pay if it wasn't for my stash of scrap and better than scrap items on my porch for ebay I would be sitting in the dark and posting with 2 cans and a string. Use this forum, read this forum and get your smf diploma.

  4. #4
    Stangit started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonniebrass View Post
    Welcome from Massachusetts. May the scrap gods help you find some good scores. Seems that they are always impressed by good karma. Pay some bills and if you can work on getting a trailer. Don't burn 10 in gas to get 5 in scrap. I have trouble with the lifting and small vehicle part as well. When my knee got bad last year I focused on lighter items with higher value. Two months ago I had a total right replacement and have only been getting 1/3 of my normal pay if it wasn't for my stash of scrap and better than scrap items on my porch for ebay I would be sitting in the dark and posting with 2 cans and a string. Use this forum, read this forum and get your smf diploma.
    Indeed! Bad back and joints for me and I get winded quicker then in the past... I can only lift so much, and fit it in the Exploder but luckily I have a small shed out back, so I break things down
    and store what I can in that. The fuel costs really bite too so I'm limited in that regard as well. I live in a small town, so much stuff 20-30 miles away is just out of reach, if only I lived closer...I'm constantly scanning the CL freebies and going out days/nights before trash day. Hopefully my flyer idea for the nearby consignment and thrift stores will help generate some pick ups. Just got to find a place that will take the hard plastics and CRT(?) tubes before I generate any complaints from anyone nearby.
    I can't put all the TV carcasses in the shed, as they'll take up all the room for the other stuff.

  5. #5
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Here's about the only tip I can give you right offhand,

    I just wanted to add that it doesn't happen overnite, and you might look around at what everyone else is scrapping and do something different.
    Go around to yard/garage sales and hand out your cards/flyers. It's a perfect way to get your name out, and if you do haul-off's then you'll end up getting some great stuff that you can turn.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

  6. #6
    DiamondN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stangit View Post
    I can only lift so much, and fit it in the Exploder. Just got to find a place that will take the hard plastics and CRT(?) tubes before I generate any complaints from anyone.
    By referring to an Explorer as an Exploder, it sounds like you might've turned wrenches at a Ford dealership, as that's what they were referred to. CRT just stands for: Cathode Ray Tube...

  7. #7
    Stangit started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiamondN View Post
    By referring to an Explorer as an Exploder, it sounds like you might've turned wrenches at a Ford dealership, as that's what they were referred to. CRT just stands for: Cathode Ray Tube...
    From 1979 to 2009 I worked for Midas, Carx, and ran a few custom exhaust shops back in the day, mostly in Chicago and burbs. I don't live there anymore, cost of living is nuts and it's a war zone, but if I did I know lots of old work mates and shop owners that I could be counting on to raid their bins..
    But then again it cost so much to live up there, it'd probably come out a wash...All the auto shops around here already have someone
    they save their scrap for, and a few of them even save it for themselves and their employees....We used to make a monthly "bonus"
    by turning in the cat. converters, but let the scrappers take what they wanted...Man have the times changed..

    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Here's about the only tip I can give you right offhand,

    I just wanted to add that it doesn't happen overnite, and you might look around at what everyone else is scrapping and do something different.
    Go around to yard/garage sales and hand out your cards/flyers. It's a perfect way to get your name out, and if you do haul-off's then you'll end up getting some great stuff that you can turn.
    Yes, I've been lurking the site and reading some of the tips you fellas use, and this is the main one I plan to implement. I've already
    talked to the folks at "city" hall and they let me put up a temporary flyer, and I've talked to my neighbors and let them know I'm the guy to call for any metal or e-scrap. One gave me a dishwasher, and a stove. Plus they will be familiar with my truck, and I'm always friendly and courteous with everyone, and the folks at the yard.
    That is one important thing I learned from my working days, you wont gain any trust or make any sales by having a crappy attitude.

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