Hi: My name is Lincoln, and right now I'd say I'm a pre-scrapper. Just got turned on to the idea from searching out ways to make some extra money. I'm on a limited income, and still feel like I need to provide more for my wife than I do. She says that doesn't matter to her, but you know...

Took apart my first couple of pieces today. It's not much, but I stripped down a broken metal folding chair I found in my apartment's trash room. Then I stripped my wife's old boombox and junked cellphone. I don't think I did the phone right, cause it looks pretty torn to heck. But until now, the limits of my tool knowledge has been Ikea furniture putting together.

I'm doing this on the low right now. When I talked to my wife about it, she had a fit and put her foot down HARD. She said we only have a one bedroom apartment, and she wasn't going to be living like the guys on Sanford and Son. Figure if I apply myself to the fullest, and keep the first few loads in the car, maybe I can earn enough to get a storage space. Then grow bigger, and then show her some of the checks. The money may just change her tune.

It's my first day, and I'm not sure I did it right, but that's why I joined this forum. Wiser heads live here, and if you want to do something right, you have to learn from folks who've already done it. I have what screws & nails I pulled from the things in a separate small container. I read that's what you're supposed to do? The motherboards, wires, and other random electronic pieces are in a box, pulled apart from each other. I couldn't get the speakers out of the boombox, so I had to throw them out, even though they were magnetic.