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Newbie in Northern VA

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  1. #1
    Nordath1 started this thread.
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    Newbie in Northern VA

    Hi all-

    I'm Mike and I live in the Fairfax area. I became interested in scrap metal recycling after making money from my old aluminum window frames. I want to get into scrap metal and e-waste recycling as a side business and I have really benefited from some of the posts here. However, I do have some questions that I have not yet found answers:
    1. After looking on Craigslist, I found a guy who charges for hauling scrap away from businesses and residential areas. Is this normal? Furthermore, who has had experience trying to break into scrap metal with competition and how did you do it?
    2. Where is the best website to get metal prices? Or should I just call the scrap yard to find out?
    3. It seems that some people have profited from electronincs solde on Ebay. Where can I learn more about scrap metal from Ebay auctions?
    4. I am currently reducing my waste at my house. Has anybody ever had issues with breaking down scrap metal on their property in a suburban area?

    If these questions have been answered elsewhere in the forum, please point me to those threads.

    Mike J

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Where is the best website to get metal prices? Or should I just call the scrap yard to find out?
    There is quite a few places to get prices but the best bet is to get your prices from the yard your going to use.
    You may find that a yard has good prices on certain stuff but not on everything, and a different yard may have the better price
    on the other stuff. The web site prices you may only want to use as a reference to watch prices go up or down.
    My yard has good prices on the majority of the stuff but cause their close, I use them for just about all standard ferrous and non-ferrous. Ewaste goes to buyers from here.

    Information Articles | Iron Mike Enterprises,LLC.

    Scrap Metal Prices - Rockaway Recycling

    Scrap Metal Prices Indianapolis | Prices of Scrap Metal Indiana| Scrap Metal Rates
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

  3. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Hello Mike, welcome to SMF. What's a suburban area, is that about halfway between town and the country ?

  4. #4
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Fairfax is more of a small Has like 3 million people!

    An yes...thats my old stomping grounds. An I don't miss it! LOL.

    Welcome to the forums tho Mike from a sandbar off the coast of NC! Quite a few folks from around the Northern Va area here, sure you'll bump into them or they'll introduce themselves as they see fit!

    Good luck an your in a major area far as I'm concerned. Lots of scrap around you if your willing to get out and find it. Whether buy it or finding it on the curb!

    Sirscrapalot - Keeper of the traveling cooler and the funny side of the forums.

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  6. #5
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Welcome. I am from Manassas Park VA.

    1. I charge for everything that I do. No matter how little or big, but depending on quantity, I will do metal pickup for free.
    2. call the yards.
    3. I make good money on ebay selling laptops, power supplies, and ram.
    4. My in laws live near Costello Park, and I do break downs during the day and some evenings. No one ever seems to care. I keep it all on my trailer though. Code Enforcement Officers can be real asses.
    George Beale - Founder & President -
    VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!

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