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Re introduction

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  1. #1
    Scrapcrazy started this thread.
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    Re introduction

    Hey guys and gals! It's been quite some time since I've been on the forum. Back in the day I use to spend many hours on here. Learning and discovering the tricks and trades of electronic recycling. I gained a mass amount of knowledge and also enjoyed the camaraderie of other scrappers. I've been real busy since my last post... Real busy. I still work a full time job but have taken electronic recycling to my highest level. I now employ 2 part time employees, rent a 6000 sq ft warehouse and office, own a 26 ft box truck and forklift, fully permitted by my local dept of environmental quality, hold contracts with 7 municipalities for electronic collection events, contracts with 4 hospitals and many universities, colleges, and high schools to handle all of their electronics and universal waste (batteries, light bulbs and electronics) in which they pay me to recycle their material and lastly agreements with multiple landfills to handle their electronics they pull from the landfill. Because of all of this, my normal full time job, and a wife and kids I had to step away from the forum. It seemed every free minute I had was spent on the forum. Oh and I got into a little trouble with my local regulatory agency for disposing of my computer plastics in a city funded recycling center. Oops, I seriously didn't know they didn't accept that type of plastic. That lesson cost me a notice of violation and a hefty $1200 fine. At that time my wife asked me to free up time for the family and so I agreed with her I'd step away from the forum. Besides that, all is well. I can't believe how far I've taken this. I still remember asking the forum simple questions like, "what's a CPU?". My biggest accomplishment and eye opener for me in the past year was landing contracts with various cities to hold electronics collection events. We had one that saw over 2000 cars come in. Even though 60 percent of the material the general public brought in were televisions, I was able to charge the city by the pound for these and found a reputable company to take them for free. In fact the same company helped staff the event at no charge as well. my contracts And agreements keep the warehouse full most weeks and gives enough work for my two part time employees. Now when I ship out my scrap Im moving multiple tons versus the day I'd put it all in the back of my f150. To be honest, my costs have gone up tremendously and my profit margins are a lot less but because of volume, it makes it worthwhile. With more time and experience our efficiencies will improve and when they do, so will our profits.
    I may not be around as frequently as before, but I think it's time I can allow myself some time to enjoy this incredible forum again. I look forward to hearing from you guys.

    Sweat is the cologne of success!

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  3. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Wow, great to hear of your big step up. You definitely have to keep momma happy.
    Stop by whenever you can,,,
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  5. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Why is computer plastic different from any other plastic? Oh, and welcome back : )

  6. #4
    pcscrapper's Avatar
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    I don't understand that either.. why they fined Him for that.. Ummm.. I can think of things are alot more toxic that are in the landfill then plastic.. and in Sioux Falls, They look at each load that comes in... do they not do that there.?

    Keeps the landfill in its proper prospective.

    sorry to hear that happen.. I can't even get the recycle people to pick it up.. I did a test... and they refused.. but took a small sample to the landfill and they took it.. picky.? maybe.. but I recycle all My plastic... its the only way to go..

    and btw.. Bale it if you can.. keep your white seperate and You can make more money... on your plastic instead a measliy under 10 cents.

    Good luck.. glad to see you back and don't beat yourself.. it happens to all of us.
    Please Add Us On FaceBook, PC SCRAPPER Sioux Falls SD
    also our Prices are listed here
    PC Scrappers LLC
    623 S LYON ST SUUTE 200Sioux Falls, SD 57104

  7. #5
    Scrapcrazy started this thread.
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    The issue with the plastic was majority of the 2442 pounds of unsorted plastic they had to remove from the recycling center wasn't number one or two plastics. The containers I filled up at the recycling center was designated for those two types and since I filled those two containers up I ended up filling up another dumpster designated for colored glass. I figured since it was empty, it would be ok. I believe if I was a household versus a business I wouldn't have been fined. The city people made a huge stink of it and called the regulators on me. Supposedly many tax dollars were spent trying to rectify the problem I created. I now have a roll off box placed in my yard. Once full I pay $125 to deliver the plastic to a paying recycler. The money received is usually just enough to cover the transportation fee.

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  9. #6
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrapcrazy View Post
    The issue with the plastic was majority of the 2442 pounds of unsorted plastic they had to remove from the recycling center wasn't number one or two plastics. The containers I filled up at the recycling center was designated for those two types and since I filled those two containers up I ended up filling up another dumpster designated for colored glass. I figured since it was empty, it would be ok. I believe if I was a household versus a business I wouldn't have been fined. The city people made a huge stink of it and called the regulators on me. Supposedly many tax dollars were spent trying to rectify the problem I created. I now have a roll off box placed in my yard. Once full I pay $125 to deliver the plastic to a paying recycler. The money received is usually just enough to cover the transportation fee.
    wow! I do understand what you mean about the "stink". Put someone in a gov't position and they can do it to anybody ; )

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