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Greetings from the Catskills!

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    ponderingjunkman started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

    Member since
    Oct 2013
    catskills, ny
    Thanked 5 Times in 2 Posts

    Greetings from the Catskills!

    Hey Howdy! Scrap is a sideline for me and my dad. We do masonry and I have a machine shop in the garage. We make maple syrup in the spring, and gather scrap as the opportunity comes. We both get along really well, and I am proud to have my dad as a good friend. There always seems to be a pile of scrap behind the woodshed, tho we have gotten less as of late. We have had a couple great hauls in the last couple years: a family friend had us clear out her family's old homestead- we picked up 17 tons of iron! Many good loads, including a tandem axel dump truck. All the stuff we take to scrap is truly scrap, that truck was useless! We save good stuff for auction, or if it can be used by a family member, like a metal lathe we gave to one brother in law! Another notable haul we had was an insurance settlement- this municiple place had to dispose of the condemned stuff (flood damage from hurricane Irreen)in order to get the reimbursement. The adjuster-our friend- had us clear it all out- Three truck&trailer loads of filthy stuff. Nasty! It was worth our time tho. We have a Cummins Dodge ram, a dump trailer, and a gooose neck flat trailer to haul with when the need arises. Cable come-alongs have worked very well to drag heavy things on the trailers- makes you sweat tho!

    Anyway, I have already learned many things to be more efficient, and maybe some of my tricks may be of benefit to all of you! Thanks for a great forum!!

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