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Newbie from ohio

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  1. #1
    machineguy started this thread.
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    Newbie from ohio

    Hi everyone,I'm Dan from Ohio.I've been doing small amounts of scrap for years, but as I become more aware the amounts seem to grow.
    I have a good friend who owns a computer recycle business.I see all the items and the prices he's getting and I think I can give him business and make a few bucks myself.I'm going to try and concentrate on just a few items and try to find a better market.They do a good job of return,but if I just pick a few items I can pay them more than they get and make money for myself.I'm a bricklayer and when the weather gets too cold,I have a lot of time on my hands.So I'll be reading a lot and maybe selling to some of you,or maybe buying!!! In the scrap business, who knows!

    Last edited by machineguy; 10-31-2013 at 07:40 PM.

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  3. #2
    ginofrater's Avatar
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    Welcome from Ontario

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