Thanks for the warm welcome. Today I spent 5 hrs and received 233 for my efforts. Not too shabby. I know all days can't be killer scores, but on today's route I found a house doing a huge remodel. Stopped in and talked with the contractor, he said have at it. I loaded about 50 sections of tin piping from the furnace. Also 30 metal vents weighing 10 pounds ea. Pretty decent score. Took me 2 hrs to pull it from the dumpster and bout 45 minutes to load it all in the trailer. Also found a plastic 5 ft shelving unit at another stop. Gonna use that in the garage for lawn and garden type stuff. All in all not a bad day. Just wish all the snow and ice would melt faster, going around corners packed with ice is fun with out a load but trailer fully loaded is no fun ha ha, Thanks again.