Hi there everyone,
My names Joe...I live in Massachusetts..and I'm a scrapaholic... no not really quite yet..but the more I learn.. the more I enjoy it! I found this forum surfing the web and thought this was a nice community to get involved with.
So I work for a computer networking company and over time we ending up with a lot of old equipment laying around. Plus just about every week I have clients looking for someone to remove their old equipment. Considering I have over 500 of my own custom-built computers out there plus other equipment...this adds up quick.
I had brought a bunch of misc material...cases, hard drives, power supplies, heat sinks..etc to the yard and I know I got jipped. After researching I have started to break down the PCS, monitors, hard drives etc and separate accordingly.
I have plenty of questions and will be posting more shortly...
Thanks everyone for feedback in advance!
BTW...I am not able to post pictures or links...is this normal?