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Hey all! new to the forum

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  1. #1
    DerfStreets started this thread.
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    Hey all! new to the forum

    Hey all! I'm new here and just wanted to say hi. I've been browsing for several months and learning tons. There is so much information and knowledge here I could read for days.

    I've been doing real small scale stuff trying to learn the business and earn some extra cash. I get most of my scrap from work in the form of data cable. I'm branching out into e-waste and trying to find ways to get more inventory, who to sell to, and how to maximize the breakdown of boards. I haven't been able to locate any e-waste buyers in the suburbs of Philadelphia.

    I was wondering if anyone out there has any experience with European power cables. They are similar to the US ones with a D-plug on one end that I'm pretty sure has small bits of yellow brass. My question is the male ends. I've learned from the forum that the 3 prongs on US cables are made of brass. I can only assume the European ends are too but they have a different look to them. I wish I could get some pictures up here to show you. I have 3 different types, the larger even has a fuse in it that I thought might be worth money to someone. If anyone has some knowledge on these I'd appreciate it. Otherwise I'll just toss them in with my other cable and get the #2 insulated price.


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  3. #2
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    if you check the buyers section there is a philly scrap buyer. this is not a recommendation as those are not allowed outside of the buyer threads. just a statement of fact.

  4. #3
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum from Florida. Just so you know all the prongs on power cords (U.S.) are brass. Sorry I can't help you on finding a local e-waste buy, I'm too far south.

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