Hi, before I go any further I'd just like to thank everyone for all of there posts up to this point. I've been reading and learning from SMF for about 6 months and have nothing but the highest regard for everyone's insight on the wide variety of topics I've browsed.

I've just recently undertaken a larger scale attempt at e-waste collection but have been scrapping general metals for a few years to subsidize my income during school. I'd known most of the basics and made a nice little side income from general shred and copper/aluminum but had no idea what I was wasting, compressors, fittings, electronics etc.....although I guess some people choose quick and easy over the total retrieval.

I started scrapping when my grandfather passed away and we were tasked with cleaning his farm which had turned into what some would call a "big heap of crap" I didn't want to do it really until my first trip to the yard where I walked out with a couple hundred bucks. From that point I saw greenbacks. It's helped support me through four years of under grad and two years of grad school which was great because at my level I could set my own schedule leave town for concerts when I wanted and have plenty of study time when needed.

If this is to long of an intro my apologies but I'll leave this post on the note of thank you!