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  1. #1
    howardrobert2002 started this thread.
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    hello everybody

    Hi everyone. Thought I would drop in and introduce myself. I just joined, but have been sneaking peeks of ur info for a few months now. I have been scraping for a few years now. Mostly alum. I am a contracter for a couple different window companies, americas windows. And window world. I get a lot of extrusion from the old windows we take out. I also get a lot of sheet from where we wrap the windows. I got into escrap about 6 months ago, and the members of this forum has helped me out a lot. I look foward to talking with some of you and building a relasionship with the buyers so I can sell my truck load of stuff I have accumlated.

  2. #2
    howardrobert2002 started this thread.
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    I have not yet contacted any buyers, but is there someone that you recommend to sell to. I want someone honest, that won't rip me off. I have finger cards, mother boards, hard drives (both with and without boards). Hard drive boards. Cell phone and cell phone boards. Gold fingers. Gold plated pins. Prob about 500 lbs of stuff total. Ic chips as well. Also have a bunch of brown boards low grade. I don't think I can mail them though. It will cost toomuch for what its worth. Thanks

  3. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Howard, check out our buyers in the section, and their reviews (both good and bad) the prices are kept pretty current. You might check with the local yards to see if any of them are buying low grade. Don't know which direction your from so it's hard to guide you.

    Scrap Buyers & Sellers - Scrap Metal Forum
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

  4. #4
    howardrobert2002 started this thread.
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    Sorry about that, I'm from ky. Really ain't no yards around here dealing much in escrap. One yard pays 10 cents lb for low. 35 cents for med grade and 1.00-1.30 for high grade. The low grade might be worth it, but I would rather ship the other stuff out to make more money. While the weather was bad and still is, I haven't been working much. I would like to sell my stockpile of stuff soon so I have some money to live. I would guess I have about 500 lbs total of stuff. I have boxes stacked celing high in my garuage. I have contacted one buyer already about selling some finger cards. I would like to find someone who refines gold and hire them to do mine. If anyone does that let me know

  5. #5
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I would like to find someone who refines gold and hire them to do mine. If anyone does that let me know
    Then your at the mercy of how honest and how knowledgeable the person is that is refining your product. They charge different percentages. There is a whole lot to read just about the toll refining.

  6. #6
    howardrobert2002 started this thread.
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    Yes I have been reading some on that. It seams like most of the members on here are honest in all their deals. I will find someone I'm sure, but I am going to be rushed. Normally I would take my time, but because of the crazy weather, I have not worked but 7 days since the week of christmas. I thank u for your comments and help, and look forward to more in the future. Now I'm off to the search bar again

  7. #7
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    First off welcome to the forum. So much info here to learn, whichu already know. Because u been reading already. As for the gold refiner, I have a couple that I have talked to. Pm me for names and details. Depending on what u have and how much.
    U say u from ky, where at. I'm a ky boy myself. I live in rockcastle county.

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