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  1. #1
    Buckethead started this thread.
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    Hello from Jersey Delaware/Lehigh Valley area

    Hello everyone. Been broke and scrapping as a "hobby" since the early 70's, way back when I was in grade school. As a kid my uncle used to take me scrapping when they paid you for paper, cardboard, mercury and of course the good stuff, copper brass etc.

    I'm here to share tons of stories and find out if there's a better bang for my junk. I have been getting computers lately. Mostly just stripping the alum., saving ram and scrapping them as light iron. There's got be more cash in them than just 10 cents a pound.

    Anyway, I hope that I am welcomed here.

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  3. #2
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckethead View Post
    Hello everyone. Been broke and scrapping as a "hobby" since the early 70's, way back when I was in grade school. As a kid my uncle used to take me scrapping when they paid you for paper, cardboard, mercury and of course the good stuff, copper brass etc.

    I'm here to share tons of stories and find out if there's a better bang for my junk. I have been getting computers lately. Mostly just stripping the alum., saving ram and scrapping them as light iron. There's got be more cash in them than just 10 cents a pound.

    Anyway, I hope that I am welcomed here.
    WELCOME! Save the Ram and in 30 plus years still getting bang for junk! Paper and cardboard still pays... look around the site and have fun!

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  5. #3
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Welcome from the Dakota's. I am not an e-scrapper, so the experts need to chime in. While you are waiting for them, visit some old threads. I was told after a year on the forum that a goggle search of Scrap metal forum ? is the best way to find specific information. Good luck to you.

  6. #4
    VoodooDaddy's Avatar
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    Hello from Jersey Delaware/Lehigh Valley area

    Welcome, great name, too...

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