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Phoenix in the house!!

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  1. #1
    Tatscrap started this thread.
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    Phoenix in the house!!

    What's goin on everyone?!!

    My names Mitch and I'm a 25 yr old forklift operator for Costco. I've always been interested in turning other peoples junk into cash for myself and just recently found this forum.

    I remember when I was a kid my dad used to get me and my brothers to smash cans for him. He would take us to the scrap yard with him and we would split whatever was made. $20 to a 10 yr old was no joke haha and that's where it all started. And Im pretty sure I'm not the only one who got started this way.

    Currently I just go around to dumpsters after work and bulk trash pickup days and I want to find ways to make this more profitable. I'm not hurting for cash but anything extra is always nice and I figured I could save for a vacation or something.

    Anyway, I look forward to gaining as much knowledge as possible and I'm dependent on all of you seasoned vets to help me out.

    Thank you in advance!!

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  3. #2
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Hello, an welcome to the forums from a sandbar off the coast of NC.

    You've found the right place to come learn about all things scrap related. Whether it's computers, hunks of rusty metal, scrapping cars, etc. We got it all.

    Where about might you be from? If you don't mind sharing. Side note...Costco's snack bar is awesome. Send me a pizza slice!

    Sirscrapalot - Keeper of the traveling cooler.

  4. #3
    Tatscrap started this thread.
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    Right on!! I'm from Phoenix, Az

    I definitely be checking all the discussions. I've been hearing about people making some serious money from only scrapping and I would like to join that group. I'm a fan of the hot dogs personally but I'll see what I can do haha.

  5. #4
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Gah, my bad...I did see the Phoenix in the title. Use to looking at folks post profile.. haha!

    I shoulda enjoyed the cooler more!

    Yes yes, money to be made! You will find the how an way here. The studying will more the pay off, lest it has so far for the majority of our members.

    An yea..the hot dogs are good to. An the churro' I'm hungry thanks! lol.

    I've been in your neck of the woods a few times on the way to Flag.

    Anyhoo, welcome to the forums again! I wish you luck in turning what you learn here into profit.

    Sirscrapalot - Apparently I can't read when sober.

  6. #5
    Tatscrap started this thread.
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    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post
    I definitely appreciate it. Thanks again!!

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