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    CuInmydreams started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

    Member since
    Feb 2014
    So. Cal
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

    Hi Everyone!

    Hello from California! (My gosh this post ended up being long, I apologize folks!) I have been scrapping for just a little over a month now and I have never loved a job so much in all my 33 years! I wish it had dawned on me years and years ago that this would be a perfect job or even a hobby. I've always loved taking things apart and fixing things, and I've told my younger sister many times, if i could ever find a job finding things, it would be perfect. I love finding stuff ( sounds odd) but i always wanted to be a treasure hunter or something(which i tried as a hobby and boy is it tough to find gold and literal burried treasure, even after tons of research)Its just so satisfying to actually find what you're looking for. So this is literally my dream job! I was actually inspired by my uncle... he came over one day just to grab something, and he very randomly brought a copper ignition switch (I believe it was) that he was replacing, from a heater. He said that's a few bucks right there. I had no idea what he was saying, I thought he meant to replace it. He told us to just keep it, which I thought was so strange. So after being a tad confused for a moment, I realized he meant to recycle. I've always known metal was worth money, but it never occurred to me all the places it could be found. I had been fully aware of copper pipes and wire but it just never occurred to me it was in all electronics, etc. Duh...i used to work at a sump and sewage pump manufacturer and was fully aware that the motors were all copper wound. (sorry for the very long post, I just love talking about scrapping) so... sorry, to make a long story longer, I'll continue...that day I started scouring the internet about scrap metal-ing and was LUCKY enough to find this place! I read and read and the very next day started out to find scrap. Haven't been doing to bad...i think I've found one or more, at least, of most common electronics among lots of other things. I live in an area full of alleys, which is super helpful. I really would like to thank you all for contributing to this sight! There is just SO much information. I actually can't even think of one question I have. If I do come across something i haven't read about (very seldom) and for some reason can't figure out, I set it aside till I find the info on here ( or YouTube) I read the posts on this forum every spare minute I have. There is not one thing i dislike about scrapping, I really enjoy even reading all about it. Even things i will likely never end up finding and scrapping, at least not in the near future. So for anyone that has stuck it out and read this entire post, thank you for all the contributions, it really makes things so much easier for new scrappers, it almost feels like cheating. You all sound like such great people, so happy to be apart of this, and a community that is so passionate about scrapping! Nice to know I'm not the only one, think my family is sick of hearing it. I just love it! Also, I apologize for not adding anything to my profile, im just constantly trying to find or take things apart, but I will get it done!

    Last edited by CuInmydreams; 03-03-2014 at 04:09 PM. Reason: super long. had to apologize

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