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I love to scrap!!

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  1. #1
    smcgraw69 started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

    Member since
    Dec 2013
    Kerr County, TEXAS
    Thanked 3 Times in 1 Post

    Thumbs up I love to scrap!!

    Hey everyone, I am so glad to have four this site and look forward to learning everything there is to know about scrapping. I have been an avid scrapper on and off again for over 7 years, but I have come to the conclusion that I want to do it on a full time basis and make as much as I can. Who in this business doesn't? When I take things apart, I find uses for parts inside that make my friends think I am crazy. Who knows, maybe I am. But all I know is that scrapping is fun and surprising on a daily basis. I never now what I am going to find when I go pick up a load of junk. I look for items that I can repurpose or sell outright or even incorporate into my own life. I love tools and look forward to the shopping trips to buy new tools. However, I really enjoy when I run across old tools that can be cleaned up and used for free. When I find things that can be brought back to life, I feel like I was meant to be the one to work my magic to keep something out of the landfill and to save nature's resources. In a nutshell, scrapping is my way of staying green and reducing my carbon footprint.

    Happy Hunting!

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