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Hello from Baton Rouge

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  1. #1
    JimJoe143 started this thread.
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    Hello from Baton Rouge

    Hello everyone just introducing myself names Jimmy, I'm addicting to scrapping, even scrapped my own truck keys one time. Recently, got into escrap still reading all the threads and learning as much as I can, mainly what to take off and how to grade, but i'm getting there. There is not a buyer that I can find around the Baton Rouge area, nor have I meet or heard of anyone in my area involved in circuit boards and such. I'm looking for a trustworthy buyer now( I know click on the scrap buyers & Sellers to find a buyer) I do demo work for a large company I can get my hands on a large amount of electronics from industrial buildings. Anyway, i'm just saying hi and happy hunting for everyone out there.

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  3. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    There's not a buyer on every corner, and if there is then their usually not paying well, it takes some of our specialty buyers to pay the best money on escrap.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  5. #3
    pjost's Avatar
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    Welcome from South Dakota.

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  7. #4
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    Welcome to the forum. Follow you own advise and try one of the buyers here on the forum. I live in coastal NC and shipping to one of the buyers has worked out very well. So for now I suggest you hold onto what you can for now until you figure out which buyer to try. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum from sunny Florida.

  10. #6
    arkansasjunkman's Avatar
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    Hello from Baton Rouge

    I'm personally not sold on the idea that people are actually making money with e-scrap. seems like a lot of labor involved, problems disposing of by-products (plastic/glass), and most buyers of circuit boards are refiners trying to reclaim gold from them; who end up losing out and no longer buying. I'm afraid someone is gonna get stuck holding the bag. (a bad of useless e-waste). I could be wrong and opinionated, Arky

  11. #7
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Can't do well in ewaste? I thrive on ewaste, as do many others on here.

    Arky, buddy, need to rethink this line of thought. Visit the ewaste section an go as far back as you can an read the past, an you'll see plenty of folks who've moved from regular scrap to ewaste. There is money in it, but just like all things you have to be a bit smarter then the average bear. Can't get product for free? Pay for it.

    There is a chain in ewaste just like regular scrapping. Scrapper, buyer, refinery. We scrap it, they buy it, they in turn take it to the refiner an make their money. It's just like a scrap yard, cept our buyers for ewaste are the yard. You deal with the middleman no matter which scrap route you take, unless your bringing in enough weight to visit a refinery on your own.

    Ewaste is here to stay, for a good long while. Computers break, VCR's eat tapes, radios go bad, medical equipment needs upgraded, military equipment needs replaced, microwaves blow up, etc, etc etc. As long as there are electronics there will be a market for ewaste. Not everyone who buys is doing it to home refine. Some do, an do it well, some don't an fail epically.

    I save some items for my toll refiner, because yes..I do want silver, an all those other yummy metals. Those metals will sit nicely in my safe till the day I decide to sell, or have a mid-life crisis an want to buy a corvette, 15 strippers(the girl an dancer type, not the wire kind! ) an several barrels of Jack.

    No offense intended mind you, but..the proof is in the pudding, or in this case..the profit.

    Oh an OP, sorry for the rant there, welcome to the forum from a sandbar off the coast of NC. We're a good group who are willing to share our advice, tips, tricks, rants, jokes, epic fails, scores, an 'shocking' moments.

    Good luck OP!

    Sirscrapalot - Keeper of the traveling cooler, an quote master to the scrappers of the world.

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  13. #8
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    Yes what SirScrappy said. Mike

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  15. #9
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Hello JimJoe143 and welcome to the forum. I'm originally from Zachary and will down for a family visit soon.

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